
What we can do for you

•  We provide business transformation and project management services for banking and capital market projects in frontoffice, risk, compliance, treasury,  backoffice, accounting and regulatory areas

•  Our spectrum includes advisory on financial markets and business process(ing), SME business analysis, prestudies, application selection and application landscape design, migration, implementation and testing as well as the organization and management of business and IT projects

•  We support you as a single force either in a consulting / project context or as interims manager fulfilling a well defined assignment

•  We can, in addition, advise on carefully selected teams of financial market and IT specialists

•  In other settings we act as interim manager to run your operational unit during a gap period or as an additional enhancement

•  In any case – we drive your project and your tasks


•  We work for banks, asset managers, corporate treasuries as well as for consulting houses, system and data vendors and regulators

•  Customers include UniCredit, LBBW, BNP Paribas, BayernLB, DekaBank, Commerzbank, ING-DiBa, Raiffeisen International, BaaderBank, HaSpa, Allfonds Investment, Reuters (Misys/Finastra) and more

•  Detailed client references and information on banking project work performed will be provided on request

•  After all, we work for people and not just for companies


Skills and Experience in Banking and Capital Markets Consulting

•  We offer a cross asset skill set, e.g. on products like FX, MM, Securities Finance, Derivatives (OTC, CCP, ETD), Equities, Fixed Income, Funds and ETF, Credit, Commodities, Energy, ABS and more

•  We are experienced in business, risk and regulatory demands, E2E processes, application design, creating functional specifications and their transformation into tested IT solutions and system workflows

•  Recent experience for example covers EMIR Bilateral Margining, ISDA SIMM, SFTR, MiFiD and MiFIR, MaRisk, P&L reconciliation, IPV, Collateral transformation and optimization, NSFR/LCR/ILM, FO Risk and PnL alignments, HGB Bilmog – IFRS reconciliation, WpHG and WpDVerOV, Repo and SecLend enhancements, Risk and Compliance validations, Regulatory Technology evaluation and more

•  Working successfully for more than 20 years in „living“ financial and capital  markets projects of all kinds and sizes allows us to understand and streamline your demand in a good and focused way and to help you transforming a variety of challenging requirements into viable solutions and stable processes

Coverage of Financial Markets IT Applications

•  Our Financial Markets IT application experience includes Martini, Apex, ION Anvil, DBS, Calypso, WallStreetSuite, Trema FinanceKIT, Summit, Murex, SPS, Kondor+, MiSys Fusion Capital and Fusion Risk, Front Arena, UnRisk, Instinet, Kiodex, Opus, Omgeo Oasys, Alert, ProtoColl, Colline, Bloomberg, 4sight, Pirum, Equilend, DECIDE, Asset Control, Thomson Reuters, Pacemetrics, Xenomorph, B3, BAIS, Kordoba, SAP, SQL, XML …

•  Application related knowledge covers architectures and workflows, system design, solution development and implementation projects including documentation and end-2-end testing

•  Last not least we track recent developments in distributed ledger, blockchain (e.g. „Bundesblock“), robo advice and further regtech and fintech content, too



Speak to us – either in English, French or Italian and of course in German

We’re looking forward to receiving your call or email

Peter Schönberger

Munich • Germany

Office phone +49 8153 907397

Mobile +49 171 3520020

Email: ps@fsci.de